The museum is open three days a week
Wed., Thurs. and Sat. – Noon to 4:00 pm
In the historic 1850 Postmaster’s House
815 DeLong Avenue
Novato, CA 94945
(415) 897-4320
- Story of growth of Novato from land grants to present
- Guide to Exhibits (pdf)
Special Exhibits
- Novato Then and Now
Museum open to Public: Noon to 4 PM
Research Archives
- New: Novato Artifacts on Past Perfect website
- Maps of Novato
- Photos of early Novato to present
- Oral Histories 1920’s to present
- Videos of Novato 1955- present
- Newspaper clippings
- Obituaries
Both museums have the Novato Advance database of newspapers from 1922 to 2012
Use of the Research Archives is with the assistance of a docent. You may schedule an appointment to ensure that a docent is available.